1. “Photocatalytic hybrid nanocomposites of metal oxide nanoparticles enhanced XXXX visible spectral range”, Huseyin Çeliker, Gülsen Çeliker, Volkan Demir et.al., Applied Catalysis B, 105 (1), 77-85, 2011. |
2. “Nanotechnology in high performance functional & protective coatings”, invited speaker – Gülsen Çeliker, 13th Asia Country Markets, Singapore, Nov. 2013. |
3. “Nanoteknolojik Kaplamalar”, III.XXX Nanoteknoloji XXX, Nanokon, 27-28 Feb. 2014, Inited speaker and panelist, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi. |
4. “Green solutions enabled with Boron structured nanocomposites to combat marine fouling”, Gülsen Çeliker, Huseyin Çeliker et.al., 17th International Symposium Boron, Borides and related materials, 2011. |
5. “Nanoboyutta Teknoloji “ , Gulsen Celiker , Ankara Patent – E Bulten, Sayı 9 , Eylül 2010 |
6. “ Nanotechnology, Innovation and Chemistry “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, Innovation Panel , Sabancı Center Istanbul, 20 March 2010 |
7. “Advancements in Nanotechnological Paints and Applications “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , 10th Coatings Asia Markets, Singapore, September 2009 |
8. “Functional and Protective Nanocoatings and their Applications” , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, Nanomaterials 2009, June 2009, Bonn |
9. “ With New Technologies to New Applications “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, CEPE European Council of Producers and Importers of Paints, Printing Inks and Artists’ Colours , Annual Conference and General Assembly – September 2008 , Berlin |
10. “ Photocatalytic Cleaning and Nanotechnology “ , Invited Paper – Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Advances in Coatings ( ACT’08 ) Conference , 25-27 November 2008 , Warsaw |
11. “UIG – TASSA Nanoteknolojide Ürüne Dönüştürülebilir Araştırma ve Ticarileştirme Konferansı ve Proje Pazarı”, Panelist ve Davetli Konuşmacı – Gülsen Çeliker, Aralık 2008 , Sabancı Center, Istanbul |
12. “ Optical Efficiency and NOX Reduction Properties of Photocatalytic TiO2 Nanoparticles Activated in UV “ , Gulsen Celiker et.al. – Invited Paper and Invited Speaker, Proceedings of PRA World 2nd International Nano Hybrid Coatings Conference , 7-8 March 2007 , Brussels |
13. “European Coatings Nurnberg Congress “, Invited as the Chairman for Nanotechnology Session - Gulsen Celiker, May 2007 , Nurnberg |
14. “ Efficienza Ottica e Riduzione dei NOX delle nanoparticelle TiO2 Fotocatalitiche attivate UV “ , Invited Paper – Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Journal of Pitture E Vernici , Vol.83 , No.9 , p.26-32 , 2007 |
15. “ High Optical Efficiency of ZnO Nanoparticles “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ( CLEO Pacific Rim 2007 ) , Paper WF3-7 , 26-31 August, 2007, Seoul – Korea |
16. “ Developments in Nanotechnology for Packaging Industry “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , International Packaging Congress-2007 , İzmir |
17. “ Sustainable Growth in Turkey “ , Invited Article – Gulsen Celiker , European Coatings Journal , No.7-8 , p.16-18 , July 2007 |
18. “ Nanotechnology in Packaging Industry and its Applications “, Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , International Packaging Congress , 2005 , İzmir |
19. “ Nanotechnology and Applications “ , NANO TR II Congress, Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, METU, 2006, Ankara |
20. “ Size Effect in Optical Activation of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Photocatalytic Process”, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Annual Meeting, LEOS , 2006, Canada |
21. “ Nanocomposites and Applications “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , Kompozit 2006 Symposium , İzmir |
22. “ Combination of TiO2-ZnO Nanoparticles Chemically Integrated into Acrylic for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity in the Near – UV “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and Pollution , Fort Lauderdale, 11-13 December 2007, Florida |
23. “ Optical Efficiency of Self Cleaning TiO2 Nanoparticles Activated in UV “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir , Gulsen Celiker et.al. , 2007 Nanometa Conference, Seefeld , 8-11 January 2007 , Austria |
24. “ Size Effect in Optical Activation of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Photocatalytic Process “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, Annual Meeting ( LEOS 2006 ) , Paper WN4 , 29 October – 2 November 2006 , Montreal , Canada |
25. “ Comparative Study of Optically Activated Nanocomposites with Photocatalytic TiO2 and ZnO Nanoparticles for Massive Enviromental Decontamination “ , Gulsen Celiker, Hilmi Volkan Demir et.al. , Journal of Nano Photonics, 1, 011685, 2007 |
26. “ Chemisorption of CO, CO2, H2, CH4 on Methanation Catalysts Containing Nickel and Molybdenum”, Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 59 (4) , p.328 , 1987 |
27. “ A Mathematical Model for the Performance of Raney Metal Gas Diffusion Electrodes “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , J. Electrochemical Soc., Vol.138, No.6 , p.1671-1681, June 1991 |
28. “ Effect of Carbon Dioxide on the Performance of Ni/PTFE and Ag/PTFE Electrodes in an Alkaline Fuel Cell “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 24, p.575-580, 1994 |
29. “ Performance of Porous Nickel Electrode for Alkaline H2/O2 Fuel Cell “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.19, No.8, p.713-718, 1994 |
30. “ Experimental Studies and Electrochemical Kinetic Parameters of Raney – Silver Gas Diffusion Electrode in Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , AJSE, Vol.20, No.4A, p.43-49, 1995 |
31. “ Literature Survey on Solubility Data of Hydrogen in Liquid Solvents “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Chemie Ingenieur Technik – CIT Volume 64, İssue 8, p.750-751 |
32. “ A Method of IR Drop Measurements Using a Current Interruption Technique : An Application to Half Cell Studies with Porous Gas Diffusion Electrodes” , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Vol.21, No.4, p.368-371, 1991 |
33. “ A Modified Moving Boundary Model for Freeze Dryers” , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of the 4th International Drying Symposium, Kyoto, July 9-12, 1984, Japan |
34. “ An Analysis of Drying Rate Mechanism in Complex Solids” , Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of the 4th International Drying Symposium, Kyoto, Japan |
35. “ Generalized Drying Curves for Porous Solids “, Gulsen Celiker, M.Sc. Thesis, METU, Chemical Eng. Dept. , 1984 |
36. “Freeze Drying of Beef Meat” , Huseyin Celiker, M.Sc. Thesis , METU, Chemical Eng. Dept. , 1984 |
37. “Modelling of Drying Rates in Complex Solids” , Gulsen Celiker et.al. , 1st International Computer Aided Design Symposium, 1984, İzmir |
38. “Comparative Study of the Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Drying Equation “ , Gulsen Celiker, Huseyin Celiker et.al. , 5th International Drying Symposium, Massachusettes, USA, 1984 |