
1. “Photocatalytic hybrid nanocomposites of metal oxide nanoparticles enhanced XXXX visible spectral range”, Huseyin Çeliker, Gülsen Çeliker, Volkan Demir et.al., Applied Catalysis B, 105 (1), 77-85, 2011.
2. “Nanotechnology in high performance functional & protective coatings”, invited speaker – Gülsen Çeliker, 13th Asia Country Markets, Singapore, Nov. 2013.
3. “Nanoteknolojik Kaplamalar”, III.XXX Nanoteknoloji XXX, Nanokon, 27-28 Feb. 2014, Inited speaker and panelist, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi.
4. “Green solutions enabled with Boron structured nanocomposites to combat marine fouling”, Gülsen Çeliker, Huseyin Çeliker et.al., 17th International Symposium Boron, Borides and related materials, 2011.
5. “Nanoboyutta Teknoloji “ , Gulsen Celiker , Ankara Patent – E Bulten, Sayı 9 , Eylül 2010
6. “ Nanotechnology, Innovation and Chemistry “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, Innovation Panel , Sabancı Center Istanbul, 20 March 2010
7. “Advancements in Nanotechnological Paints and Applications “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , 10th Coatings Asia Markets, Singapore, September 2009
8. “Functional and Protective Nanocoatings and their Applications” , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, Nanomaterials 2009, June 2009, Bonn
9. “ With New Technologies to New Applications “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, CEPE European Council of Producers and Importers of Paints, Printing Inks and Artists’ Colours , Annual Conference and General Assembly – September 2008 , Berlin
10. “ Photocatalytic Cleaning and Nanotechnology “ , Invited Paper – Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Advances in Coatings ( ACT’08 ) Conference , 25-27 November 2008 , Warsaw
11. “UIG – TASSA Nanoteknolojide Ürüne Dönüştürülebilir Araştırma ve Ticarileştirme Konferansı ve Proje Pazarı”, Panelist ve Davetli Konuşmacı – Gülsen Çeliker, Aralık 2008 , Sabancı Center, Istanbul
12. “ Optical Efficiency and NOX Reduction Properties of Photocatalytic TiO2 Nanoparticles Activated in UV “ , Gulsen Celiker et.al. – Invited Paper and Invited Speaker, Proceedings of PRA World 2nd International Nano Hybrid Coatings Conference , 7-8 March 2007 , Brussels
13. “European Coatings Nurnberg Congress “, Invited as the Chairman for Nanotechnology Session - Gulsen Celiker, May 2007 , Nurnberg
14. “ Efficienza Ottica e Riduzione dei NOX delle nanoparticelle TiO2 Fotocatalitiche attivate UV “ , Invited Paper – Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Journal of Pitture E Vernici , Vol.83 , No.9 , p.26-32 , 2007
15. “ High Optical Efficiency of ZnO Nanoparticles “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ( CLEO Pacific Rim 2007 ) , Paper WF3-7 , 26-31 August, 2007, Seoul – Korea
16. “ Developments in Nanotechnology for Packaging Industry “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , International Packaging Congress-2007 , İzmir
17. “ Sustainable Growth in Turkey “ , Invited Article – Gulsen Celiker , European Coatings Journal , No.7-8 , p.16-18 , July 2007
18. “ Nanotechnology in Packaging Industry and its Applications “, Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , International Packaging Congress , 2005 , İzmir
19. “ Nanotechnology and Applications “ , NANO TR II Congress, Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker, METU, 2006, Ankara
20. “ Size Effect in Optical Activation of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Photocatalytic Process”, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Annual Meeting, LEOS , 2006, Canada
21. “ Nanocomposites and Applications “ , Invited Speaker – Gulsen Celiker , Kompozit 2006 Symposium , İzmir
22. “ Combination of TiO2-ZnO Nanoparticles Chemically Integrated into Acrylic for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity in the Near – UV “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and Pollution , Fort Lauderdale, 11-13 December 2007, Florida
23. “ Optical Efficiency of Self Cleaning TiO2 Nanoparticles Activated in UV “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir , Gulsen Celiker et.al. , 2007 Nanometa Conference, Seefeld , 8-11 January 2007 , Austria
24. “ Size Effect in Optical Activation of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Photocatalytic Process “ , Hilmi Volkan Demir, Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, Annual Meeting ( LEOS 2006 ) , Paper WN4 , 29 October – 2 November 2006 , Montreal , Canada
25. “ Comparative Study of Optically Activated Nanocomposites with Photocatalytic TiO2 and ZnO Nanoparticles for Massive Enviromental Decontamination “ , Gulsen Celiker, Hilmi Volkan Demir et.al. , Journal of Nano Photonics, 1, 011685, 2007
26. “ Chemisorption of CO, CO2, H2, CH4 on Methanation Catalysts Containing Nickel and Molybdenum”, Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 59 (4) , p.328 , 1987
27. “ A Mathematical Model for the Performance of Raney Metal Gas Diffusion Electrodes “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , J. Electrochemical Soc., Vol.138, No.6 , p.1671-1681, June 1991
28. “ Effect of Carbon Dioxide on the Performance of Ni/PTFE and Ag/PTFE Electrodes in an Alkaline Fuel Cell “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 24, p.575-580, 1994
29. “ Performance of Porous Nickel Electrode for Alkaline H2/O2 Fuel Cell “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.19, No.8, p.713-718, 1994
30. “ Experimental Studies and Electrochemical Kinetic Parameters of Raney – Silver Gas Diffusion Electrode in Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , AJSE, Vol.20, No.4A, p.43-49, 1995
31. “ Literature Survey on Solubility Data of Hydrogen in Liquid Solvents “ , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Chemie Ingenieur Technik – CIT Volume 64, İssue 8, p.750-751
32. “ A Method of IR Drop Measurements Using a Current Interruption Technique : An Application to Half Cell Studies with Porous Gas Diffusion Electrodes” , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Vol.21, No.4, p.368-371, 1991
33. “ A Modified Moving Boundary Model for Freeze Dryers” , Huseyin Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of the 4th International Drying Symposium, Kyoto, July 9-12, 1984, Japan
34. “ An Analysis of Drying Rate Mechanism in Complex Solids” , Gulsen Celiker et.al. , Proceedings of the 4th International Drying Symposium, Kyoto, Japan
35. “ Generalized Drying Curves for Porous Solids “, Gulsen Celiker, M.Sc. Thesis, METU, Chemical Eng. Dept. , 1984
36. “Freeze Drying of Beef Meat” , Huseyin Celiker, M.Sc. Thesis , METU, Chemical Eng. Dept. , 1984
37. “Modelling of Drying Rates in Complex Solids” , Gulsen Celiker et.al. , 1st International Computer Aided Design Symposium, 1984, İzmir
38. “Comparative Study of the Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Drying Equation “ , Gulsen Celiker, Huseyin Celiker et.al. , 5th International Drying Symposium, Massachusettes, USA, 1984